Red Beryl Consulting provides startups and SMEs with a wide range of services including business and financial advisory, accounting, and taxation advice. We work closely with you to understand what you want your business to achieve and support you in every step of the way


No matter how remarkable your business idea is, without monitoring your incomes and outflows, you are bound to fail. Red Beryl helps your business to track your finances and maintain the appropriate data for decision making through the following services:

  • Bookkeeping & Management accounting
  • Budgeting
  • Financial statement preparation

Financial Advisery

Keeping account of your transactions is merely the starting point. We go further by helping you plan how to stretch your cash longer and invest your current capital in the most profitable ways. We offer the following financial services:

  • Financial planning and analysis
  • Cash flow and working capital management
  • strategic decision making

Tax Advice

A special aspect of your finances is your taxes. Everyone wants to reduce the amount of taxes they pay, and with good reason: taxes eat into your profits. Still, you cannot simply reduce your taxes any which way; there is a science to it. The first and most important step is to ensure compliance, and only then can you explore the avenues the government allows for your relief. Then for those who stick with us for the long haul comes the real fun: inter-territorial tax planning. Here is what we do in this regard:

  • Compliance
  • Planning and strategy
  • TP policy and group structures

Targeted Audits

After building your minimum viable product and establishing product market fit, you must track your revenues and control your costs in order to become and remain profitable. As your sales volumes increase, so do the risks of revenue leakages. Transactions also threaten to become more complex and costly. We help you manage these aspects by conducting agreed upon procedures (targeted audits) on various business aspects, including:

  • Inventory cycle audit (from procurement to customer delivery)
  • Revenue assurance (to identify and seal revenue leakages)
  • Direct costs audit (to rationalize costs)

Strategic & Business Planning

Without a road map, high chances are that your business will get on the highway to business hell. What we mean is that working with the end in mind can considerably increase your chances of winning. Sometimes as an entrepreneur you can get caught in the weeds of your business and need the help of an experienced external eye to help you make sense of things. Also, with such wisdom, you may eliminate from the very initial stages the goals that are not really worth pursuing. It is within this context that we offer services such as:

  • Business planning
  • Strategy analysis and creation
  • Pitch deck creation